Waiting on Wednesday (1)


Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Breaking the Spine that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Hello my pretty damsels! This is my very first entry of this awesome meme. Today, I'll introduce two of the books I've been anticipating and if it's even possible, I would sacrifice my ovaries to snag an earlier copies of these babies. xD They all belonged to my  most favorite author of all time aside from Edgar Allan Poe, THE JULIE KAGAWA.So here they are...
The Iron Legends (The Iron Fey, #1.5, 3.5, 4.5)
The Iron Legends(The Iron Fey #1.5, 3.5, 4.5)by 

Summer, Winter, Iron.Together at last.
Dangerous faeries. Heartbreaking romance. Thrilling action and limitless adventure. The world of the fey has never been so powerful. This collection includes three novellas set in the world of The Iron Fey plus the expanded Guide to the Nevernever and exclusive information about Julie Kagawa's unforgettable world of Faery.

Everyone, let's admit it. Anything by JULIE KAGAWA is worth fighting for. Now that right up there is the main reason why sometimes I find myself rocking in my emo corner, pining for the date that EPICNESS up there will be published. Or will hit the shelves. Considering in our country, it takes months for Julie's books to come, the emo rocking is pretty reasonable, don't you think?  The final book that will finish up the first Iron Fey Series will surely cause an uproar in the YA blogging community. In a very good way. The expected publication will be on August 28th 2012 by Harlequin. People, start counting!

 The Lost Prince (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten)
The Lost Prince (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten, #1)
Don't look at Them. Never let Them know you can see Them.
That is Ethan Chase's unbreakable rule. Until the fey he avoids at all costs—including his reputation—begin to disappear, and Ethan is attacked. Now he must change the rules to protect his family. To save a girl he never thought he's dare to fall for.
Ethan thought he had protected himself from his older sister's world—the land of Faery. His previous time in the Iron Realm left him with nothing but fear and disgust for the world Meghan Chase has made her home, a land of myths and talking cats, of magic and seductive enemies. But when destiny comes for Ethan, there is no escape from a danger long, long forgotten.
My name is Ethan Chase. And I may not live to see my eighteenth birthday. 

DO I NEED TO SAY MORE? DO I REALLY NEED TO SAY MORE? No way. What's the use of the very warm reception over there at Goodreads for Ethan then? If you want to know my reactions, click the picture and scroll down to be transported in the battlefields different views of the majority of the masses using the deadly power of gifs and all kinds of freaking out at Ethan Chase's coming. Now that sounded very dirtyyy..bad Johanna, bad. *wipes drool*
Now because I love you guys, I decided to grab the back cover and inner flap of THE LOST PRINCE from Julie's blog.  The same summary from up there, anyways. I just wanna trouble myself because I'm crazy  for Ethan. <== weak attempt of covering her sudden fangirling upon seeing the shirtless in all his glory. Y'all, I already marked my calendars and set my phone's alarm for the expected publication date on October 23rd 2012 by Harlequin Teen. Oh the horror and the agony of waiting! 
Now there you have it, my two most anticipated books this Wednesday. What are yours? Link me up in the comments section and I'll check it out!

PS. Johanna: A Damsel in Book-stress is in need of more followers. Show your love my lovely damsels. I will follow back just let me know in the comments area. Be nice. Be friendly because this is a human and a pony friendly blog. Love and peace out! 



darkmyth89 said... Best Blogger Tips

oh my goodness!!!! JULIE KAGAWA!!! LOVE HER!!! she's AWESOME!!! Can't wait to read The Lost Prince!!! :)

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

OMG I love Julie Kagawa :D ! I was a little disappointed by The Immortal Rules but I love The Iron Fey series :).
And i'm Team Puck <3.
I can't wait to read The Lost Prince I've already pre-ordered a copy ^^.

Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

Love Julie Kagawa, got to meet her once and she's lovely. I'll definitely read this I'm a new follower. Please check out my WoW!


Anna @ Wandering Librarians

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Johanna! :D
Awesome WoW! *blushes because i have only read the first book in the series* BUT I WANT TO CONTINUE!

Jill said... Best Blogger Tips

Welcome to WoW! So glad you're participating!

Maria said... Best Blogger Tips

Don't hate me because I haven't read any of the books by Julie - I do have one on my Kindle to read but seem to have time juggling issues trying to read all of my books lately.

Here's my WoW

Felicia said... Best Blogger Tips

I used to love Julie Kagawa novels, but the last one in the series fell short for me. But I still love those covers though!

Thanks for stopping by,
@ Livin' Life Through Books

Anna @ Literary Exploration said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm really hoping they put these up on Netgalley since I'm preapproved MUAHAHAH!!! I am DYING to read both :D

Anna @ Literary Exploration
My WoW

Fall Into Books said... Best Blogger Tips

I've recently checked out the Iron King from the library, and I'm excited to read it. Great picks!

My WoW

Rachael-Madison ^__^ said... Best Blogger Tips

I haven't actually read any of The Iron Fey series... I guess it's worth to try :D Thanks for sharing!

Thanks for sharing!
My WoW

Jessie Marie said... Best Blogger Tips

I've only read The Iron King thus far so I don't want to be spoiled by those novellas but of course, I'm very interested! I'm pretty sure J. Kagawa can do anything! : )

Thanks for visiting The Daily Bookmark!
My WoW

Kayla Beck said... Best Blogger Tips

I still haven't gotten around to reading anything by Julie Kagawa! I'll start once I get my copy of The Immortal Rules, I promise. :-)

Thanks for stopping by my WoW today!

Aylee said... Best Blogger Tips

I still need to read this series! But I read The Immortal Rules recently and loved it so I'm sure I would adore this series too! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

TheBookSlayer said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my goodness! There's so many Iron Fey books out.. AHH. I really want to start this series. Hopefully this summer I'll get the chance to pick the first couple.

Thanks for stopping by my WoW earlier today :)

Little Miss Becky said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm ashamed to say that I have the whole Iron Fey series and haven't started it. Always meant to,..never got to it, just kept buying them because the covers are so darn pretty! I will, someday.

New follower! :D

Sel said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh my god... I'm totally pining for the day The Lost Prince will come out too! <3 Hearts Ethan, why are you so hot? *dreamy sigh* (I won't drool, I won't!)

I've followed you, since by your faithful love for Julie Kagawa, we're bound to be sisters!

Keep posting covers with Ethans on it and I'm confident your number of followers will soar ;)

Thanks for dropping by my post! Go join in my first giveaway too *urges* I've 16 great YA titles up for grabs, but sadly, no Kagawa though :(

Hope to see you there!

Bumbles and Fairy-Tales said... Best Blogger Tips

I am totally on pins and needles over these books too! Can't wait! I am so happy to have had the chance to meet Julie Kagawa at BEA yesterday, she is so genuinely sweet!
Awesome picks! Let the countdown begin :)

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Hi there, my pretty damsel. I love to read your comments. Feel free to write one and I'm sure a knight is on his way to you *winks*
